Chapter 12. More about Tasks

In the introductory tutorial (Chapter 4, Build Script Basics) you have learned how to create simple tasks. You have also learned how to add additional behavior to these tasks later on. And you have learned how to create dependencies between tasks. This was all about simple tasks. But Gradle takes the concept of tasks further. Gradle supports enhanced tasks, that is, tasks which have their own properties and methods. This is really different to what you are used to with Ant targets. Such enhanced tasks are either provided by you or are provided by Gradle.

12.1. Defining tasks

We have already seen how to define tasks using a keyword style in Chapter 4, Build Script Basics. There are a few variations on this style, which you may need to use in certain situations. For example, the keyword style does not work in expressions.

Example 12.1. Defining tasks


task(hello) << {
    println "hello"

task(copy, type: Copy) {

You can also use strings for the task names:

Example 12.2. Defining tasks - using strings


task('hello') <<
    println "hello"

task('copy', type: Copy) {

There is an alternative syntax for defining tasks, which you may prefer to use:

Example 12.3. Defining tasks with alternative syntax


tasks.add(name: 'hello') << {
    println "hello"

tasks.add(name: 'copy', type: Copy) {

Here we add tasks to the tasks collection. Have a look at TaskContainer for more variations of the add() method.

12.2. Locating tasks

You often need to locate the tasks that you have defined in the build file, for example, to configure them or use them for dependencies. There are a number of ways you can do this. Firstly, each task is available as a property of the project, using the task name as the property name:

Example 12.4. Accessing tasks as properties


task hello


Tasks are also available through the tasks collection.

Example 12.5. Accessing tasks via tasks collection


task hello

println tasks['hello'].name

You can access tasks from any project using the task's path using the tasks.getByPath() method. You can call the getByPath() method with a task name, or a relative path, or an absolute path.

Example 12.6. Accessing tasks by path


project(':projectA') {
    task hello

task hello

println tasks.getByPath('hello').path
println tasks.getByPath(':hello').path
println tasks.getByPath('projectA:hello').path
println tasks.getByPath(':projectA:hello').path

Output of gradle -q hello

> gradle -q hello

Have a look at TaskContainer for more options for locating tasks.

12.3. Configuring tasks

As an example, let's look at the Copy task provided by Gradle. To create a Copy task for your build, you can declare in your build script: [12]

Example 12.7. Creating a copy task


task myCopy(type: Copy)

This creates a copy task with no default behavior. The task can be configured using its API (see Copy ). The following examples show several different ways to achieve the same configuration.

Example 12.8. Configuring a task - various ways


Copy myCopy = task(myCopy, type: Copy)
myCopy.from 'resources'
myCopy.into 'target'
myCopy.include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

This is similar to the way we would normally configure objects in Java. You have to repeat the context (myCopy) in the configuration statement every time. This is a redundancy and not very nice to read.

There is a more convenient way of doing this.

Example 12.9. Configuring a task - fluent interface


task(myCopy, type: Copy)
    .include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

You might know this approach from the Hibernates Criteria Query API or JMock. Of course the API of a task has to support this. The from, to and include methods all return an object that may be used to chain to additional configuration methods. Gradle's build-in tasks usually support this configuration style.

But there is yet another way of configuring a task. It also preserves the context and it is arguably the most readable. It is usually our favorite.

Example 12.10. Configuring a task - with closure


task myCopy(type: Copy)

myCopy {
   from 'resources'
   into 'target'
   include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

This works for any task. Line 3 of the example is just a shortcut for the tasks.getByName() method. It is important to note that if you pass a closure to the getByName() method, this closure is applied to configure the task.

There is a slightly different ways of doing this.

Example 12.11. Configuring a task - with configure() method


task myCopy(type: Copy)

myCopy.configure {
   include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

Every task has a configure() method, which you can pass a closure for configuring the task. Gradle uses this style for configuring objects in many places, not just for tasks.

You can also use a configuration closure when you define a task.

Example 12.12. Defining a task with closure


task copy(type: Copy) {
   from 'resources'
   into 'target'
   include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

12.4. Adding dependencies to a task

There are several ways you can define the dependencies of a task. In Section 4.3, “Task dependencies” you were introduced to defining dependencies using task names. Task names can refer to tasks in the same project as the task, or to tasks in other projects. To refer to a task in another project, you prefix the name of the task with the path of the project it belongs to. Below is an example which adds a dependency from projectA:taskX to projectB:taskY:

Example 12.13. Adding dependency on task from another project


project('projectA') {
    task taskX(dependsOn: ':projectB:taskY') << {
        println 'taskX'

project('projectB') {
    task taskY << {
        println 'taskY'

Output of gradle -q taskX

> gradle -q taskX

Instead of using a task name, you can define a dependency using a Task object, as shown in this example:

Example 12.14. Adding dependency using task object


task taskX << {
    println 'taskX'

task taskY << {
    println 'taskY'

taskX.dependsOn taskY

Output of gradle -q taskX

> gradle -q taskX

For more advanced uses, you can define a task dependency using a closure. When evaluated, the closure is passed the task whose dependencies are being calculated. The closure should return a single Task or collection of Task objects, which are then treated as dependencies of the task. The following example adds a dependency from taskX to all the tasks in the project whose name starts with lib:

Example 12.15. Adding dependency using closure


task taskX << {
    println 'taskX'

taskX.dependsOn {
    tasks.findAll { task ->'lib') }

task lib1 << {
    println 'lib1'

task lib2 << {
    println 'lib2'

task notALib << {
    println 'notALib'

Output of gradle -q taskX

> gradle -q taskX

For more information about task dependencies, see the Task API.

12.5. Adding a description to a task

You can add a description to your task. This description is for example displayed when executing gradle -t.

Example 12.16. Adding a description to a task


task copy(type: Copy) {
   description = 'Copies the resource directory to the target directory.'
   from 'resources'
   into 'target'
   include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties')

12.6. Replacing tasks

Sometimes you want to replace a task. For example if you want to exchange a task added by the Java Plugin with a custom task of a different type. You can achieve this with:

Example 12.17. Overwriting a task


task copy(type: Copy)

task copy(overwrite: true) << {
    println('I am the new one.')

Output of gradle -q copy

> gradle -q copy
I am the new one.

Here we replace a task of type Copy with a simple task. When creating the simple task, you have to set the overwrite property to true. Otherwise Gradle throws an exception, saying that a task with such a name already exists.

12.7. Task rules

Sometimes you want to have a task which behavior depends on a large or infinite number value range of parameters. A very nice and expressive way to provide such tasks are task rules:

Example 12.18. Task rule


tasks.addRule("Pattern: ping<ID>") { String taskName ->
    if (taskName.startsWith("ping")) {
        task(taskName) << {
            println "Pinging: " + (taskName - 'ping')

Output of gradle -q pingServer1

> gradle -q pingServer1
Pinging: Server1

The String parameter is used as a description for the rule. This description is shown when doing for example gradle -t.

Rules not just work for calling tasks from the command line. You can also create dependsOn relations on rule based tasks:

Example 12.19. Dependency on rule based tasks


tasks.addRule("Pattern: ping<ID>") { String taskName ->
    if (taskName.startsWith("ping")) {
        task(taskName) << {
            println "Pinging: " + (taskName - 'ping')

task groupPing {
    dependsOn pingServer1, pingServer2

Output of gradle -q groupPing

> gradle -q groupPing
Pinging: Server1
Pinging: Server2

12.8. Summary

If you are coming from Ant, such an enhanced Gradle task as Copy looks like a mixture between an Ant target and an Ant task. And this is actually the case. The separation that Ant does between tasks and targets is not done by Gradle. The simple Gradle tasks are like Ant's targets and the enhanced Gradle tasks also include the Ant task aspects. All of Gradle's tasks share a common API and you can create dependencies between them. Such a task might be nicer to configure than an Ant task. It makes full use of the type system, is more expressive and easier to maintain.

[12] If you use the Java Plugin, this task is automatically created and added to your project.