Chapter 23. The Project Report Plugin

The Project report plugin is currently a work in progress, and at this stage doesn't do particularly much. We plan to add much more to these reports in the next release of Gradle.

The Project report plugin adds some tasks to your project which generate reports containing useful information about your build.

23.1. Tasks

The project report plugin defines the following tasks:

Table 23.1. Project report plugin - tasks

Task name Depends on Type
dependencyReport - DependencyReportTask
propertyReport - PropertyReportTask
taskReport - TaskReportTask
projectReport dependencyReport, propertyReport, taskReport Task

23.2. Project layout

The project report plugin does not require any particular project layout.

23.3. Dependency management

The project report plugin does not define any dependency configurations.

23.4. Convention properties

The project report defines the following convention properties:

Table 23.2. Project report plugin - directory properties

Directory Name Property Directory File Property Default Name Default File
reportsDirName reportsDir reports buildDir/reports
projectReportDirName projectReportDir project reportsDir/project