Package-level declarations

The diagnostic org.gradle.api.Task implementations.


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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Produces only non-cacheable console output")
abstract class AbstractConfigurationReportTask : DefaultTask, Reporting<T>
Base class for reporting tasks which display information about attributes and related data associated to a variant/configuration.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class AbstractDependencyReportTask : AbstractProjectBasedReportTask<T>
Displays the dependency tree for a configuration.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class AbstractProjectBasedReportTask<T> : ConventionReportTask
The base class for all Project based project report tasks.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class AbstractReportTask : ConventionTask
The base class for all project report tasks.
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@UntrackedTask(because = "Produces only non-cacheable console output")
abstract class BuildEnvironmentReportTask : DefaultTask
Provides information about the build environment for the project that the task is associated with.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class ConventionReportTask : ConventionTask
The base class for all project based report tasks with custom task actions.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Produces only non-cacheable console output")
abstract class DependencyInsightReportTask : DefaultTask
Generates a report that attempts to answer questions like:
  • Why is this dependency in the dependency graph?
  • Exactly which dependencies are pulling this dependency into the graph?
  • What is the actual version (i.e. *selected* version) of the dependency that will be used? Is it the same as what was *requested*?
  • Why is the *selected* version of a dependency different to the *requested*?
  • What variants are available for this dependency?
Use this task to get insight into a particular dependency (or dependencies) and find out what exactly happens during dependency resolution and conflict resolution.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Not worth caching")
abstract class DependencyReportTask : AbstractDependencyReportTask
Displays the dependency tree for a project.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Produces only non-cacheable console output by examining configurations at execution time")
abstract class OutgoingVariantsReportTask : AbstractConfigurationReportTask
A task which reports the outgoing variants of a project on the command line.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class ProjectBasedReportTask : ConventionReportTask
The base class for all Project based project report tasks.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Not worth caching")
abstract class ProjectReportTask : AbstractProjectBasedReportTask<T>
Displays a list of projects in the build.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Not worth caching")
abstract class PropertyReportTask : AbstractProjectBasedReportTask<T>
Displays the properties of a project.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Produces only non-cacheable console output by examining configurations at execution time")
abstract class ResolvableConfigurationsReportTask : AbstractConfigurationReportTask
A task which reports the configurations of a project which can be resolved on the command line.
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@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Not worth caching")
abstract class TaskReportTask : ConventionReportTask
Displays a list of tasks in the project.