Happy New Lunar Year! 2023 was a great year for Gradle Build Tool. Let’s recap the key updates close

Gradle Build Tool Training

The Gradle Build Tool training are courses design to be hands-on and interactive to get you to the next level of expertise.
Note: Live training sessions are paused as we are working on self-paced training.
Live training sessions will resume next year.

Introduction to Gradle Build Tool for DevelopersBeginner

This is for engineers who are new to the Gradle Build Tool.

In this training you will learn how to interact with the build tool and the basic concepts. This includes things such as executing tasks and adding dependencies. We will show how to use the Gradle Wrapper and the Version Catalog.

Our goal is to demonstrate the building blocks necessary for you to work with projects that use Gradle Build Tool. This class is hands-on, so you will spend a significant portion of the class with your hands on the keyboard, learning by doing, working through lab exercises.

Introduction to Gradle Build Tool for Build EngineersBeginner

This is for engineers who want to learn the basics of authoring and maintaining Gradle Build Tool configuration.

In this training you will learn how to author custom tasks and shared configuration using current best practices. You will also learn about the build lifecycle and how configuration is evaluated.

Our goal is to demonstrate the building blocks necessary for you to author and maintain your own Gradle projects. This class is hands-on, so you will spend a significant portion of the class with your hands on the keyboard, learning by doing, working through lab exercises.

Incremental Builds and Build CachingIntermediate

The Gradle build cache significantly reduces build time by re-using outputs produced by other builds in your organization. In this training you will learn the basics and best practices to improve the performance of your builds by using the build cache. We’ll also go over the recommended architecture for setting up a cache.

Dependency ManagementIntermediate

The Gradle Build Tool provides a number of tools to enable you to fine-tune how to manage dependencies that supports the dependency management strategy you have chosen for your software project. In this training we will go over not only how to use these tools but also in which scenario you’d want to use each one.

Gradle Build Tool Configuration OrganizationIntermediate

Large software projects may consist of many components, each with its own configuration. Managing the growing configuration can be challenging and if not done correctly lead to misconfiguration and frustration. Also often there will be common configuration and dependencies for these components.

In this training we will cover best practices on how to organize build configuration for large software projects. We will dive into details of Gradle Build Tool features that make it easier to manage shared configuration and dependencies. These will not only make it easier to manage configuration for large software projects, but also improve build performance.

JVM Builds with Gradle Build ToolIntermediate

Build systems have evolved over time to provide more features to developers. In this course we will go beyond the basics of managing JVM based projects with the Gradle Build Tool. We will cover best practices that increase the quality and efficiency of building your projects.

We will cover how these best practices can be used for projects written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy and Scala. There will be hands-on exercises to help you use what you learn in your projects.

Android Apps with Gradle Build ToolIntermediate

Engineers want to focus on developing features for their Android app and not let build logic get in the way. In this training we will examine how to organize an Android app that has multiple modules. Along the way we will cover best practices and understand how to modularize your application as well as the build logic for long term success.

By the end of the training you will gain familiarity with how Android projects use Gradle Build Tool for managing build logic and become more comfortable working with build logic for both personal and professional Android projects.

Gradle Build Cache Deep DiveAdvanced

The Gradle build cache significantly reduces build time by re-using outputs produced by other builds in your organization. In this training you will learn how to enable caching for custom tasks. We will also cover how to troubleshoot cache misses using hands-on exercises covering various scenarios.

Advanced Dependency ManagementAdvanced

Ensuring consistent usage of dependencies across an organization can be challenging. In this training we will go over dependency management features in the Gradle Build Tool that allow you to publish version catalogs and dependency constraints that can be used by teams to ensure compliance and consistency. We will also explore how you can ensure the authenticity of dependencies.

Gradle Build Tool Plugin DevelopmentAdvanced

The Gradle Build Tool has a plugin framework that allows you to package reusable pieces of build logic that can be applied to different independent projects. You can author plugins to share new tasks, conventions as well as extend existing functionality.

By the end of this training you will learn how to develop, test and publish your own Gradle plugins.

Gradle Build Tool Performance OptimizationAdvanced

As projects grow in size, you may experience dependency resolution or tasks taking longer. Gradle Build Tool has a number of configuration options and best practices that can be used to optimize your builds and significantly reduce the amount of time taken.

In this training, we will go over a few scenarios in which you may experience slower builds and learn how to address them.

Need training for Maven builds or Developer Productivy Engineering? Check out our Develocity Training

For questions on training, send us an email at training@gradle.com