Part V. Building JVM projects

Table of Contents

44. Java Quickstart
44.1. The Java plugin
44.2. A basic Java project
44.3. Multi-project Java build
44.4. Where to next?
45. The Java Plugin
45.1. Usage
45.2. Source sets
45.3. Tasks
45.4. Project layout
45.5. Dependency management
45.6. Convention properties
45.7. Working with source sets
45.8. Javadoc
45.9. Clean
45.10. Resources
45.11. CompileJava
45.12. Incremental Java compilation
45.13. Test
45.14. Jar
45.15. Uploading
45.16. Compiling and testing for Java 6
46. Web Application Quickstart
46.1. Building a WAR file
46.2. Running your web application
46.3. Summary
47. The War Plugin
47.1. Usage
47.2. Tasks
47.3. Project layout
47.4. Dependency management
47.5. Convention properties
47.6. War
47.7. Customizing
48. The Ear Plugin
48.1. Usage
48.2. Tasks
48.3. Project layout
48.4. Dependency management
48.5. Convention properties
48.6. Ear
48.7. Customizing
48.8. Using custom descriptor file
49. The Jetty Plugin
49.1. Usage
49.2. Tasks
49.3. Project layout
49.4. Dependency management
49.5. Convention properties
50. The Application Plugin
50.1. Usage
50.2. Tasks
50.3. Convention properties
51. The Java Library Distribution Plugin
51.1. Usage
51.2. Tasks
51.3. Including other resources in the distribution
52. Groovy Quickstart
52.1. A basic Groovy project
52.2. Summary
53. The Groovy Plugin
53.1. Usage
53.2. Tasks
53.3. Project layout
53.4. Dependency management
53.5. Automatic configuration of groovyClasspath
53.6. Convention properties
53.7. Source set properties
53.8. GroovyCompile
53.9. Compiling and testing for Java 6
54. The Scala Plugin
54.1. Usage
54.2. Tasks
54.3. Project layout
54.4. Dependency management
54.5. Automatic configuration of scalaClasspath
54.6. Convention properties
54.7. Source set properties
54.8. Compiling in external process
54.9. Incremental compilation
54.10. Compiling and testing for Java 6
54.11. Eclipse Integration
54.12. IntelliJ IDEA Integration
55. The ANTLR Plugin
55.1. Usage
55.2. Tasks
55.3. Project layout
55.4. Dependency management
55.5. Convention properties
55.6. Source set properties
55.7. Controlling the ANTLR generator process
56. The Checkstyle Plugin
56.1. Usage
56.2. Tasks
56.3. Project layout
56.4. Dependency management
56.5. Configuration
56.6. Customizing the HTML report
57. The CodeNarc Plugin
57.1. Usage
57.2. Tasks
57.3. Project layout
57.4. Dependency management
57.5. Configuration
58. The FindBugs Plugin
58.1. Usage
58.2. Tasks
58.3. Dependency management
58.4. Configuration
58.5. Customizing the HTML report
59. The JDepend Plugin
59.1. Usage
59.2. Tasks
59.3. Dependency management
59.4. Configuration
60. The PMD Plugin
60.1. Usage
60.2. Tasks
60.3. Dependency management
60.4. Configuration
61. The JaCoCo Plugin
61.1. Getting Started
61.2. Configuring the JaCoCo Plugin
61.3. JaCoCo Report configuration
61.4. JaCoCo specific task configuration
61.5. Tasks
61.6. Dependency management
62. The OSGi Plugin
62.1. Usage
62.2. Implicitly applied plugins
62.3. Tasks
62.4. Dependency management
62.5. Convention object
63. The Eclipse Plugins
63.1. Usage
63.2. Tasks
63.3. Configuration
63.4. Customizing the generated files
64. The IDEA Plugin
64.1. Usage
64.2. Tasks
64.3. Configuration
64.4. Customizing the generated files
64.5. Further things to consider