Part IV. Extending the build

Table of Contents

39. Writing Custom Task Classes
39.1. Packaging a task class
39.2. Writing a simple task class
39.3. A standalone project
39.4. Incremental tasks
40. Writing Custom Plugins
40.1. Packaging a plugin
40.2. Writing a simple plugin
40.3. Getting input from the build
40.4. Working with files in custom tasks and plugins
40.5. A standalone project
40.6. Maintaining multiple domain objects
41. The Java Gradle Plugin Development Plugin
41.1. Usage
42. Organizing Build Logic
42.1. Inherited properties and methods
42.2. Injected configuration
42.3. Configuring the project using an external build script
42.4. Build sources in the buildSrc project
42.5. Running another Gradle build from a build
42.6. External dependencies for the build script
42.7. Ant optional dependencies
42.8. Summary
43. Initialization Scripts
43.1. Basic usage
43.2. Using an init script
43.3. Writing an init script
43.4. External dependencies for the init script
43.5. Init script plugins
44. The Gradle TestKit
44.1. Usage
44.2. Functional testing with the Gradle runner