Groovy Documentation

Package org.gradle.api.file

Classes for working with files.


Interface Summary

A ConfigurableFileCollection is a mutable FileCollection.


A FileTree with a single base directory, which can be configured and modified.

ContentFilterable Represents some binary resource whose content can be filtered.
CopyProcessingSpec Specifies the destination of a copy.
CopySourceSpec Specifies sources for a file copy.
CopySpec A set of specifications for copying files.
DeleteAction Deletes files and directories.

A FileCollection represents a collection of files which you can query in certain ways.


Provides details about a file or directory about to be copied, and allows some aspects of the destination file to be modified.


A FileTree represents a hierarchy of files.

FileTreeElement Information about a file in a FileTree.
FileVisitDetails Provides access to details about a file or directory being visited by a FileVisitor.

A FileVisitor is used to visit each of the files in a FileTree.


A SourceDirectorySet represents a set of source files composed from a set of source directories, along with associated include and exclude patterns.


Class Summary
EmptyFileVisitor The EmptyFileVisitor can be extends by implementations that only require to implement one of the 2 visit methods (dir or file).

Represents a relative path from some base directory to a file.


Enum Summary
FileCollection.AntType Ant types which a FileCollection can be mapped to.

Groovy Documentation