Interface MavenArtifactRepository

All Superinterfaces:

public interface MavenArtifactRepository
extends ArtifactRepository

An artifact repository which uses a Maven format to store artifacts and meta-data.

Method Summary
 void artifactUrls(Object... urls)
          Adds some additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
 Set<URI> getArtifactUrls()
          Returns the additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
 URI getUrl()
          The base URL of this repository.
 void setArtifactUrls(Iterable<?> urls)
          Sets the additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
 void setUrl(Object url)
          Sets the base URL of this repository.
Methods inherited from interface org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.ArtifactRepository
getName, setName

Method Detail


URI getUrl()
The base URL of this repository. This URL is used to find both POMs and artifact files. You can add additional URLs to use to look for artifact files, such as jars, using setArtifactUrls(Iterable).

The URL.


void setUrl(Object url)
Sets the base URL of this repository. This URL is used to find both POMs and artifact files. You can add additional URLs to use to look for artifact files, such as jars, using setArtifactUrls(Iterable).

The provided value is evaluated as for Project.uri(Object). This means, for example, you can pass in a File object, or a relative path to be evaluated relative to the project directory.

url - The base URL.


Set<URI> getArtifactUrls()
Returns the additional URLs to use to find artifact files. Note that these URLs are not used to find POM files.

The additional URLs. Returns an empty list if there are no such URLs.


void artifactUrls(Object... urls)
Adds some additional URLs to use to find artifact files. Note that these URLs are not used to find POM files.

The provided values are evaluated as for Project.uri(Object). This means, for example, you can pass in a File object, or a relative path to be evaluated relative to the project directory.

urls - The URLs to add.


void setArtifactUrls(Iterable<?> urls)
Sets the additional URLs to use to find artifact files. Note that these URLs are not used to find POM files.

The provided values are evaluated as for Project.uri(Object). This means, for example, you can pass in a File object, or a relative path to be evaluated relative to the project directory.

urls - The URLs.