Package org.gradle.api.plugins

The standard Plugin implementations.


Interface Summary
Convention A Convention manages a set of convention objects.
ExtensionContainer Allows adding 'namespaced' DSL extensions to the target object.
MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention Allows maven repositories for publishing artifacts to be defined.
ObjectConfigurationAction An ObjectConfigurationAction allows you to apply Plugins and scripts to an object or objects.
PluginCollection<T extends Plugin> A PluginCollection represents a collection of Plugin instances.
PluginContainer A PluginContainer is used to manage a set of Plugin instances applied to a particular project.

Class Summary
GroovyBasePlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaBasePlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.
GroovyPlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.
JavaBasePlugin A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.
JavaPlugin A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.
MavenPlugin A Plugin which allows project artifacts to be deployed to a Maven repository, or installed to the local Maven cache.
MavenPluginConvention Properties and methods added by the MavenPlugin.
ProjectReportsPlugin A Plugin which adds some project visualization report tasks to a project.
ReportingBasePlugin A Plugin which provides the basic skeleton for reporting.
ReportingBasePluginConvention A BasePluginConvention defines the convention properties and methods used by the ReportingBasePlugin.
WarPlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to add tasks which assemble a web application into a WAR file.

Exception Summary
PluginInstantiationException A PluginInstantiationException is thrown when a plugin cannot be instantiated.
UnknownPluginException A UnknownPluginException is thrown when an unknown plugin id is provided.

Package org.gradle.api.plugins Description

The standard Plugin implementations.