Package org.gradle.tooling.model

A UI-centric model of a Gradle build, provided by the Gradle tooling API.


Interface Summary
BuildableElement Represents an element which has Gradle tasks associated with it.
BuildableProject Deprecated. Use BuildableElement or one of its subtypes instead.
Dependency Represents an artifact dependency.
DomainObjectSet<T> A set of domain objects of type T.
Element Described model element
ExternalDependency Represents an external artifact dependency.
GradleProject Gradle project.
GradleTask Represents a task which is executable by Gradle.
HasGradleProject Is associated with a Gradle project.
HierarchicalElement Represents an element which belongs to some hierarchy.
HierarchicalProject Deprecated. Use HierarchicalElement or one of its subtypes instead.
Project Deprecated. Use Element or one of its subtypes instead.
ProjectDependency Represents a dependency on another project.
SourceDirectory Represents a source directory.
Task Represents a task which is executable by Gradle.

Exception Summary
IncompatibleVersionException Thrown when the tooling api client client attempts to use a method that does not exist in the version of gradle the tooling api is connected to.

Package org.gradle.tooling.model Description

A UI-centric model of a Gradle build, provided by the Gradle tooling API.