Groovy Documentation

Deprecated API

      Represents a project which has Gradle tasks associated with it.
      A ConventionValue can be assigned to a org.gradle.api.internal.IConventionAware task.
      Represents a project which belongs to some hierarchy.
      Represents a project of some kind.

      A plugin which measures and enforces code quality for Java and Groovy projects.
      @deprecated Use SigningExtension

      A LocationAwareException is an exception which can be annotated with a location in a script.
      A ScriptCompilationException is thrown when a script cannot be compiled.

ArtifactRepositoryContainer#addLast(Object userDescription)
      Adds a repository to this container, at the end of the repository sequence.
ArtifactRepositoryContainer#addLast(Object userDescription, Closure configureClosure)
      Adds a resolver to this container, at the end of the resolver sequence.
      The properties available for use in the configuration file.
      Returns the destination file for the XML report.
Checkstyle#setProperties(Map properties)
      The properties available for use in the configuration file.
Checkstyle#setResultFile(File file)
      @deprecated Use reports.xml.destination instead.
      The file to write the report to.
      The format type of the CodeNarc report.
CodeNarc#setReportFile(File reportFile)
      @deprecated Use {@code reports.
CodeNarc#setReportFormat(String reportFormat)
      @deprecated Use {@code reports.
Configuration#addArtifact(PublishArtifact artifact)
      Adds an artifact to be published to this configuration.
Configuration#addDependency(Dependency dependency)
      Adds a dependency to this configuration.
      Returns the artifacts of this configuration as a FileCollection, including artifacts of extended configurations.
Configuration#getAllDependencies(Class type)
      Gets the set of dependencies of type T for this configuration including those contributed by superconfigurations.
      Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required tasks to build the artifacts belonging to this configuration or to one of its super configurations.
Configuration#getDependencies(Class type)
Configuration#removeArtifact(PublishArtifact artifact)
      Removes an artifact from the artifacts to be published to this configuration.
DomainObjectCollection#allObjects(Action action)
      Executes the given action against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
DomainObjectCollection#allObjects(Closure action)
      Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
DomainObjectCollection#findAll(Spec spec)
      Returns a snapshot of the objects in this collection which meet the given specification.
      Returns a snapshot of the objects in this collection (i.e. changes to this collection will not be reflected in the returned collection).
      Returns the password to use for authentication with this repository, if any.
      Returns the username to use for authentication with this repository, if any.
IvyArtifactRepository#setPassword(String password)
      Sets the password to use for authentication with this repository, if any.
IvyArtifactRepository#setUserName(String username)
      Sets the username to use for authentication with this repository, if any.
      Returns the directory to generate Maven POMs into.
      Returns the name of the directory to generate Maven POMs into, relative to the build directory.
MavenPluginConvention#setPomDirName(String pomDirName)
      Sets the name of the directory to generate Maven POMs into, relative to the build directory.
PluginCollection#allPlugins(Action action)
      Executes the given action against all plugins in this collection, and any plugins subsequently added to this collection.
PluginCollection#allPlugins(Closure closure)
      Executes the given closure against all plugins in this collection, and any plugins subsequently added to this collection.
Project#absolutePath(String path)
Project#captureStandardOutput(LogLevel level)
Project#createTask(String name)
Project#createTask(String name, Action action)
Project#createTask(Map args, String name)
Project#createTask(Map args, String name, Action action)
Project#createTask(String name, Closure action)
Project#createTask(Map args, String name, Closure action)
Project#fileTree(Object baseDir)
Project#setBuildDirName(String buildDirName)
Project#usePlugin(String pluginId)
Project#usePlugin(Class pluginClass)
      The links to be added to this Eclipse project.
Project#setLinks(Set links)
      @deprecated Please use linkedResources
      Returns the title for API documentation for the project.
      Returns the directory containing all reports for this project.
      Returns the name of the reports directory, relative to the project's build directory.
ReportingBasePluginConvention#setReportsDirName(String reportsDirName)
      Sets the name of the reports directory, relative to the project's build directory.
      Returns the directory to write generated poms to.
      Returns one of the dependencies which this artifact belongs to.
Script#captureStandardOutput(LogLevel level)
Script#fileTree(Closure closure)
SigningPluginConvention#sign(PublishArtifact publishArtifacts)
      @deprecated Use SigningExtension.sign
SigningPluginConvention#sign(File files)
      @deprecated Use SigningExtension.sign
SigningPluginConvention#sign(String classifier, File files)
      @deprecated Use SigningExtension.sign
SigningPluginConvention#sign(Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use project.signing.sign \{ }
SigningPluginConvention#signPom(MavenDeployment mavenDeployment, Closure closure = null)
      @deprecated Use project.signing.signPom
      Returns the selector used to choose the default project of the build.
      Returns the project dependencies build instruction.
StartParameter#setBuildScriptSource(org.gradle.groovy.scripts.ScriptSource buildScript)
StartParameter#setProjectDependenciesBuildInstruction(org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ProjectDependenciesBuildInstruction projectDependenciesBuildInstruction)
      Sets the project dependencies build instruction.
StartParameter#setSettingsScriptSource(org.gradle.groovy.scripts.ScriptSource settingsScriptSource)
StartParameter#useEmbeddedBuildFile(String buildScriptText)
Task#captureStandardOutput(LogLevel level)
TaskCollection#allTasks(Action action)
      Executes the given action against all tasks in this collection, and any tasks subsequently added to this collection.
TaskCollection#allTasks(Closure closure)
      Executes the given closure against all tasks in this collection, and any tasks subsequently added to this collection.
TestLogging#setShowStandardStream(boolean standardStreams)
      Deprecated for naming consistency reasons, please use setShowStandardStreams(boolean)

Gradle API 1.0-milestone-8