Package org.gradle.api.plugins

The standard Plugin implementations.


Interface Summary
Convention A Convention manages a set of convention objects.
ExtensionAware Represents an object that is able to accept DSL extensions.
ExtensionContainer Allows adding 'namespaced' DSL extensions to a target object.
MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention Allows maven repositories for publishing artifacts to be defined.
ObjectConfigurationAction An ObjectConfigurationAction allows you to apply Plugins and scripts to an object or objects.
PluginCollection<T extends Plugin> A PluginCollection represents a collection of Plugin instances.
PluginContainer A PluginContainer is used to manage a set of Plugin instances applied to a particular project.

Class Summary
GroovyBasePlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaBasePlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.
GroovyPlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.
JavaBasePlugin A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.
JavaPlugin A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.
MavenPlugin A Plugin which allows project artifacts to be deployed to a Maven repository, or installed to the local Maven cache.
MavenPluginConvention Properties and methods added by the MavenPlugin.
ProjectReportsPlugin A Plugin which adds some project visualization report tasks to a project.
ReportingBasePlugin A Plugin which provides the basic skeleton for reporting.
ReportingBasePluginConvention Deprecated. This convention has been deprecated and replaced by ReportingExtension
WarPlugin A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to add tasks which assemble a web application into a WAR file.

Exception Summary
PluginInstantiationException A PluginInstantiationException is thrown when a plugin cannot be instantiated.
UnknownPluginException A UnknownPluginException is thrown when an unknown plugin id is provided.

Package org.gradle.api.plugins Description

The standard Plugin implementations.