Package org.gradle.api

Start Here: Gradle's Project API, which is available from your build files.


Interface Summary
Action<T> Performs some action against objects of type T.
Buildable A Buildable represents an artifact or set of artifacts which are built by one or more Task instances.
DomainObjectCollection<T> A DomainObjectCollection is a specialised Collection that adds the ability to modification notifications and live filtered sub collections.
DomainObjectSet<T> A DomainObjectSet is a specialisation of DomainObjectCollection that guarantees Set semantics.
Named Types can implement this interface and use the embedded Named.Namer implementation, to satisfy API that calls for a namer.
NamedDomainObjectCollection<T> A NamedDomainObjectCollection represents a collection of domain objects that have an inherent, constant, name.
NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> A named domain object container is a specialisation of NamedDomainObjectSet that adds the ability to create instances of the element type.
NamedDomainObjectFactory<T> A factory for named objects of type T.
NamedDomainObjectList<T> A specialisation of NamedDomainObjectCollection that also implements List.
NamedDomainObjectSet<T> A specialisation of NamedDomainObjectCollection that also implements Set and orders objects by their inherent name.
Namer<T> A namer is capable of providing a name based on some inherent characteristic of an object.
Plugin<T> A Plugin represents an extension to Gradle.
Project This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle from your build file.
ProjectEvaluationListener An ProjectEvaluationListener is notified when a project is evaluated.
ProjectState ProjectState provides information about the execution state of a project.
Rule A Rule represents some action to perform when an unknown domain object is referenced.
Script This interface is implemented by all Gradle scripts to add in some Gradle-specific methods.
Task A Task represents a single atomic piece of work for a build, such as compiling classes or generating javadoc.
Transformer<R,I> A Transformer transforms objects of type.
XmlProvider Provides various ways to access the content of an XML document.

Class Summary
AntBuilder An AntBuilder allows you to use Ant from your build script.
DefaultTask DefaultTask is the standard Task implementation.
Named.Namer An implementation of the namer interface for objects implementing the named interface.
Namer.Comparator<T> A comparator implementation based on the names returned by the given namer.
Task.Namer A Namer namer for tasks that returns Task.getName().

Enum Summary
JavaVersion An enumeration of Java versions.
PathValidation An enumeration for describing validation policies for file paths.

Exception Summary
CircularReferenceException A CircularReferenceException is thrown if circular references exists between tasks, the project evaluation order or the project dependsOn order.
GradleException GradleException is the base class of all exceptions thrown by Gradle.
GradleScriptException A GradleScriptException is thrown when an exception occurs in the compilation or execution of a script.
IllegalDependencyNotation This exceptions is thrown, if a dependency is declared with a illegal notation.
IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException A IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException is thrown if you try to trigger an operation at runtime, which is only allowed at configuration time.
InvalidUserDataException A InvalidUserDataException is thrown, if a user is providing illegal data for the build.
UncheckedIOException UncheckedIOException is used to wrap an into an unchecked exception.
UnknownDomainObjectException A UnknownDomainObjectException is the super class of all exceptions thrown when a given domain object cannot be located.
UnknownProjectException An UnknownProjectException is thrown when a project referenced by path cannot be found.
UnknownTaskException An UnknownTaskException is thrown when a task referenced by path cannot be found.

Annotation Types Summary
Nullable Indicates that the value of an element can be null.

Package org.gradle.api Description

Start Here: Gradle's Project API, which is available from your build files. The API used from your build files is made up of 2 main interfaces: