Groovy Documentation

Package org.gradle.tooling.model

A UI-centric model of a Gradle build, provided by the Gradle tooling API.


Interface Summary
BuildableElement Represents an element which has Gradle tasks associated with it.
Dependency Represents an artifact dependency.
DomainObjectSet A set of domain objects of type T.
Element Described model element
ExternalDependency Represents an external artifact dependency.
GradleProject Gradle project.
GradleTask Represents a task which is executable by Gradle.
HasGradleProject Is associated with a Gradle project.
HierarchicalElement Represents an element which belongs to some hierarchy.
Model A Model that is buildable by the Tooling API.
ProjectDependency Represents a dependency on another project.
SourceDirectory Represents a source directory.
Task Represents a task which is executable by Gradle.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedMethodException Thrown when the tooling api client client attempts to use a method that does not exist in the version of gradle the tooling api is connected to.

Gradle API 1.0