Groovy Documentation

Package org.gradle.nativecode.base

Classes that model aspects of native component projects.


Interface Summary
Executable The logical representation of an executable native component.
ExecutableBinary A binary artifact that is built from of a Executable, targeted at a particular platform with specific configuration.
ExecutableContainer A container of native executables.
HeaderExportingSourceSet A source set that exposes headers
Library The logical representation of an library native component.
LibraryBinary A physical representation of a Library component.
LibraryContainer A container of C++ libraries.
NativeBinary Represents a particular binary artifact that is the result of building a native component.
NativeComponent Represents a logical software component, which may be built in a number of variant binaries.
NativeDependencySet Models a collection of native type dependencies.
SharedLibraryBinary A Library that has been compiled and linked as a shared library.
StaticLibraryBinary A Library that has been compiled and archived into a static library.
ToolChain A set of compilers and linkers that are used together to construct a native binary.
ToolChainRegistry A container for ToolChains.

Gradle API 1.7