Chapter 27. The Eclipse Plugin

The Eclipse plugin generates files that are used by Eclipse IDE, thus making it possible to import the project into Eclipse (File - Import... - Existing Projects into Workspace). Both external and project dependencies are considered.

The Eclipse plugin will create different files depending on which other plugins used:

Table 27.1. Eclipse support for other plugins

NoneGenerates minimal .project file.
JavaAdds Java configuration to .project. Generates .classpath and JDT settings file.
GroovyAdds Groovy configuration to .project file.
ScalaAdds Scala support to .project file.
WarAdds web application support to .project. Generates WTP settings files.

27.1. Usage

To use the Eclipse plugin, include in your build script:

Example 27.1. Using the Eclipse plugin


apply plugin: 'eclipse'

There are several tasks that the Eclipse plugin provides (presented in Table 27.2, “Eclipse plugin - tasks”). The main task that you'd use is the eclipse task.

27.2. Tasks

The Eclipse plugin adds the tasks shown below to a project.

Table 27.2. Eclipse plugin - tasks

Task name Depends on Type Description
eclipse eclipseProject, eclipseClasspath, eclipseJdt, eclipseWtp Task Generates all the eclipse configuration files
cleanEclipse cleanEclipseProject, cleanEclipseClasspath, cleanEclipseJdt, cleanEclipseWtp Delete Removes all eclipse configuration files
cleanEclipseProject - Delete Removes the eclipse project file
cleanEclipseClasspath - Delete Removes the eclipse classpath file
cleanEclipseJdt - Delete Removes the JDT settings file.
cleanEclipseWtp - Delete Removes the WTP settings files.
eclipseProject - EclipseProject Generates the eclipse project file.
eclipseClasspath - EclipseClasspath Generates the Eclipse classpath file.
eclipseJdt - EclipseJdt Generates the JDT settings file.
eclipseWtp - EclipseWtp Generates the WTP settings files.

Table 27.3. EclipseProject task

Property Type Default Value Description
projectName String The name of the Eclipse project. Must not be null.
comment String project.description A comment for the eclipse project.
referencedProjects Set<String> empty set The referenced projects of the Eclipse project.
natures List<String> The default is an empty set. Applying Java, Groovy, Scala or War plugin will add additional natures. The natures of the Eclipse project.
buildCommands List<BuildCommand> The default is an empty set. Applying Java, Groovy, Scala or War plugin will add additional build commands. The build commands of the Eclipse project.
links Set<Link> empty set The links for this Eclipse project.

Table 27.4. EclipseClasspath task

Property Type Default Value Description
sourceSets Iterable<SourceSet> sourceSets The source sets which source directories should be added to the Eclipse classpath.
containers Set<String> empty set The containers to be added to the Eclipse classpath.
plusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.testRuntime] The configurations, which files are to be transformed into classpath entries.
minusConfigurations Set<Configuration> empty set The configurations which files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.
downloadSources boolean true Whether to download sources for the external dependencies.
downloadJavadoc boolean false Whether to download javadoc for the external dependencies.
variables Map<String,File> [:] If the beginning of the absolute path of a library matches a value of a variable, a variable entry is created. The matching part of the library path is replaced with the variable name.

Table 27.5. EclipseWtp task

Property Type Default Value Description
sourceSets Iterable<SourceSet> project.sourceSets The source sets which source directories should be added to the Eclipse classpath.
deployName String The deploy name to be used in the org.eclipse.wst.common.component file.
plusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.testRuntime] The configurations, which files are to be transformed into classpath entries.
minusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.providedRuntime] The configurations which files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.
variables Map<String,File> [:] If the beginning of the absolute path of a library matches a value of a variable, a variable entry is created. The matching part of the library path is replaced with the variable name.
facets List<Facet> and jst.web facet The facets to be added as installed elements to the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core file.

Table 27.6. Task Hooks

Method EclipseProject Task Argument EclipseClasspath Task Argument EclipseWtp Task Argument Description
beforeConfigured { arg -> } Project Classpath Wtp Gets called directly after the domain objects have been populated with the content of the existing XML file (if there is one).
whenConfigured { arg -> } Project Classpath Wtp Gets called after the domain objects have been populated with the content of the existing XML file and the content from the build script.
withXml { arg -> } XmlProvider XmlProvider ['org.eclipse.wst.common.component': groovy.util.Node, 'org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core': groovy.util.Node] The root node of the XML just before the XML is written to disk.

27.3. Customizing the generated files

All the tasks of the eclipse plugin provide the same hooks and behavior for customizing the generated content.

The tasks recognize existing eclipse files. If an eclipse project, classpath or wtp file does not exists, default values are used. Otherwise the existing ones are merged.

27.3.1. Merging

The first option to customize the Eclipse files is to have an existing Eclipse file before the tasks are run. Existing files will be merged together with the generated content. Any section of the existing Eclipse files that are not the target of generated content will neither be changed nor removed. Disabling merging with a complete overwrite

If you want Gradle to completely overwrite existing Eclipse files you can specify this on the command line by executing something like gradle cleanEclipse eclipse or gradle cleanEclipseClasspath eclipseClasspath. You can specify this also in the build script. Just make the generating tasks depending on the deleting tasks. You can tailor this to your needs. You could make the eclipse task dependent on the cleanEclipse task. If you only want to overwrite for example the classpath files you simply make the eclipseClasspath task dependent on the cleanEclipseClasspath task.

27.3.2. Hooking into the generation lifecycle

The Eclipse plugin provides a couple of domain classes that model the Eclipse files. But only the sections that are autogenerated by Gradle. The generation lifecycle is the following. If there is an existing Eclipse file, its whole XML is parsed and stored in memory. Then the domain objects are populated with the relevant content of the the existing XML. After that the build script information is used to further populate those objects (e.g. add additional dependencies). Then all sections modelled by the domain objects are removed from the XML in memory. After that the domain objects are used to inject their content into the XML. Finally the XML is written to disk. The lifecycle provides hooks to modify the result according to your needs. Partial Overwrite

Doing a complete overwrite removes all your manual customizations. This might be not what you want. Therefore Gradle provides the option for a partial overwrite. You can hook into the phase just after the existing Eclipse files have populated the domain objects. You could then for example remove all the dependencies from the classpath object.

Example 27.2. Partial Overwrite for Module


eclipseClasspath {
    beforeConfigured { classpath ->
        classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'lib' || entry.kind == 'var' }

The generated XML will have all sections of the existing Eclipse classpath file, except for the dependencies, where only the information of the build script is used. You could do something similar for the project file.

Example 27.3. Partial Overwrite for Project


eclipseProject {
    beforeConfigured { project ->
} Modifying the fully populated domain objects

You can also hook into the phase after the existing Eclipse files and the build script metadata have populated the domain objects. You could then for example disable export of all the dependencies of the module object.

Example 27.4. Export Dependencies


eclipseClasspath {
    whenConfigured { classpath ->
        classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'lib' }*.exported = false
} Modifying the XML

You can also hook into the phase after the XML DOM is fully populated but not written to disk. That hook provides total control over what is generated.

Example 27.5. Customizing the XML


eclipseWtp {
    withXml { files ->
        files.'org.eclipse.wst.commons.project.facet.core'.fixed.find { it.@facet == '' }.@facet = ''