Chapter 28. The Eclipse Plugin

The Eclipse plugin generates files that are used by the Eclipse IDE, thus making it possible to import the project into Eclipse (File - Import... - Existing Projects into Workspace). Both external dependencies (including associated source and javadoc files) and project dependencies are considered.

What exactly the Eclipse plugin generates depends on which other plugins are used:

Table 28.1. Eclipse plugin behavior

NoneGenerates minimal .project file.
JavaAdds Java configuration to .project. Generates .classpath and JDT settings file.
GroovyAdds Groovy configuration to .project file.
ScalaAdds Scala support to .project file.
WarAdds web application support to .project file. Generates WTP settings files.

One focus of the Eclipse plugin is to be open to customization. Each task provides a standardized set of hooks for adding and removing content from the generated files.

28.1. Usage

To use the Eclipse plugin, include this in your build script:

Example 28.1. Using the Eclipse plugin


apply plugin: 'eclipse'

The Eclipse plugin adds a number of tasks to your projects. The main tasks that you will use are the eclipse andcleanEclipse tasks.

28.2. Tasks

The Eclipse plugin adds the tasks shown below to a project.

Table 28.2. Eclipse plugin - tasks

Task name Depends on Type Description
eclipse eclipseProject, eclipseClasspath, eclipseJdt, eclipseWtpComponent, cleanEclipseWtpFacet Task Generates all Eclipse configuration files
cleanEclipse cleanEclipseProject, cleanEclipseClasspath, cleanEclipseJdt, cleanEclipseWtpComponent, cleanEclipseWtpFacet Delete Removes all Eclipse configuration files
cleanEclipseProject - Delete Generates the .project file.
cleanEclipseClasspath - Delete Generates the .classpath file.
cleanEclipseJdt - Delete Removes the .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs file.
cleanEclipseWtpComponent - Delete Removes the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file.
cleanEclipseWtpFacet - Delete Removes the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file.
eclipseProject - EclipseProject Generates the .project file.
eclipseClasspath - EclipseClasspath Generates the .classpath file.
eclipseJdt - EclipseJdt Generates the .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs file.
eclipseWtpComponent - EclipseWtpComponent Generates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file.
eclipseWtpFacet - EclipseWtpFacet Generates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file.

Table 28.3. EclipseProject task

Property Type Default Value Description
projectName String The name of the Eclipse project. Must not be null.
comment String project.description A comment for the Eclipse project.
referencedProjects Set<String> empty set The referenced projects of the Eclipse project.
natures List<String> The default is an empty set. Applying Java, Groovy, Scala or War plugin will add additional natures. The natures of the Eclipse project.
buildCommands List<BuildCommand> The default is an empty set. Applying Java, Groovy, Scala or War plugin will add additional build commands. The build commands of the Eclipse project.
links Set<Link> empty set The links for the Eclipse project.

Table 28.4. EclipseClasspath task

Property Type Default Value Description
sourceSets Iterable<SourceSet> project.sourceSets The source sets whose source directories are to be added to the Eclipse classpath.
containers Set<String> empty set The containers to be added to the Eclipse classpath.
plusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.testRuntime] The configurations whose files are to be transformed into classpath entries.
minusConfigurations Set<Configuration> empty set The configurations whose files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.
downloadSources boolean true Whether to download sources for external dependencies.
downloadJavadoc boolean false Whether to download javadoc for external dependencies.
variables Map<String,File> [:] If the beginning of the absolute path of a library matches a value of a variable, a variable entry is created. The matching part of the library path is replaced with the variable name.

Table 28.5. EclipseWtpComponent task

Property Type Default Value Description
sourceDirs Set<File> The source directories of sourceSets.main The source sets whose source directories are to be added to the Eclipse classpath.
deployName String The deploy name to be used.
plusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.testRuntime] The configurations whose files are to be transformed into classpath entries.
minusConfigurations Set<Configuration> [configurations.providedRuntime] The configurations whose files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.
variables Map<String,File> [:] If the beginning of the absolute path of a library matches a value of a variable, a variable entry is created. The matching part of the library path is replaced with the variable name.

Table 28.6. EclipseWtpFacet task

Property Type Default Value Description
facets List<Facet> and jst.web facet The facets to be added as installed elements.

28.3. Customizing the generated files

All Eclipse tasks provide the same hooks and behavior for customizing the generated content.

The tasks recognize existing Eclipse files, and merge them with the generated content.

28.3.1. Merging

Sections of existing Eclipse files that are also the target of generated content will be amended or overwritten, depending on the particular section. The remaining sections will be left as-is. Disabling merging with a complete overwrite

To completely overwrite existing Eclipse files, execute a clean task together with its corresponding generation task, for example gradle cleanEclipse eclipse (in that order). If you want to make this the default behavior, add eclipse.dependsOn(cleanEclipse) to your build script. This makes it unnecessary to execute the clean task explicitly.

Complete overwrite works equally well for individual files, for example by executinggradle cleanEclipseClasspath eclipseClasspath.

28.3.2. Hooking into the generation lifecycle

The Eclipse plugin provides domain classes modeling the sections of the Eclipse files that are autogenerated by Gradle. The generation lifecycle is as follows:

  1. If there is an existing file, its whole XML content is parsed and stored in memory; otherwise, a default file is used in its place
  2. The domain objects are populated with the relevant content of the existing file
  3. The beforeConfigured hook is executed
  4. The domain objects are populated with content from Gradle's build model, which may require merging with content from the existing file
  5. The whenConfigured hook is executed
  6. All sections modeled by the domain objects are removed from the in-memory XML representation
  7. The domain objects inject their content into the in-memory XML representation
  8. The withXml hook is executed
  9. The in-memory XML representation is written to disk

The following table lists the domain object used for each of the Eclipse task types:

Table 28.7. Task Hooks

Task type beforeConfigured { arg -> } argument type whenConfigured { arg -> } argument type withXml { arg -> } argument type
EclipseProject Project Project XmlProvider
EclipseClasspath Classpath Classpath XmlProvider
EclipseJdt Jdt Jdt XmlProvider
EclipseWtpComponent WtpComponent WtpComponent XmlProvider
EclipseWtpFacet WtpFacet WtpFacet XmlProvider Partial overwrite of existing content

A complete overwrite causes all existing content to be discarded, thereby losing any changes made directly in the IDE. The beforeConfigured hook makes it possible to overwrite just certain parts of the existing content. The following example removes all existing dependencies from the Classpath domain object:

Example 28.2. Partial Overwrite for Classpath


eclipseClasspath {
    beforeConfigured { classpath ->
        classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'lib' || entry.kind == 'var' }

The resulting .classpath file will only contain Gradle-generated dependency entries, but not any other dependency entries that may have been present in the original file. (In the case of dependency entries, this is also the default behavior.) Other sections of the .classpath file will be either left as-is or merged. The same could be done for the natures in the .project file:

Example 28.3. Partial Overwrite for Project


eclipseProject {
    beforeConfigured { project ->
} Modifying the fully populated domain objects

The whenConfigured hook allows to manipulate the fully populated domain objects. Often this is the preferred way to customize Eclipse files. Here is how you would export all the dependencies of an Eclipse project:

Example 28.4. Export Dependencies


eclipseClasspath {
    whenConfigured { classpath ->
        classpath.entries.findAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'lib' }*.exported = false
} Modifying the XML representation

The withXmlhook allows to manipulate the in-memory XML representation just before the file gets written to disk. Although Groovy's XML support makes up for a lot, this approach is less convenient than manipulating the domain objects. In return, you get total control over the generated file, including sections not modeled by the domain objects.

Example 28.5. Customizing the XML


eclipseWtpFacet {
    withXml { provider ->
        provider.asNode().fixed.find { it.@facet == '' }.@facet = ''