Groovy Documentation
[Java] Interface JavaEnvironment

public interface JavaEnvironment

Informs about the java environment, for example the java home or the jvm args used.

See example in BuildEnvironment


Method Summary
File getJavaHome()

The java home used for gradle operations (e.g. running tasks or acquiring model information, etc).

List getJvmArguments()

The jvm arguments used for the java process that handles gradle operations (e.g. running tasks or acquiring model information, etc).


Method Detail


public File getJavaHome()
The java home used for gradle operations (e.g. running tasks or acquiring model information, etc).


public List getJvmArguments()
The jvm arguments used for the java process that handles gradle operations (e.g. running tasks or acquiring model information, etc).

The returned jvm arguments match those returned by, e.g. they do not include system properties passed as -Dfoo=bar


Gradle API 1.0-milestone-8