The JaCoCo Plugin
The JaCoCo plugin provides code coverage metrics for Java code via integration with JaCoCo.
Getting Started
To get started, apply the JaCoCo plugin to the project you want to calculate code coverage for.
plugins {
id 'jacoco'
If the Java plugin is also applied to your project, a new task named jacocoTestReport
is created.
By default, a HTML report is generated at layout.buildDirectory.dir("reports/jacoco/test")
While tests should be executed before generation of the report, the jacocoTestReport task does not depend on the test task.
Depending on your usecases, you may want to always generate the jacocoTestReport
or run the test
task before generating the report explicitly.
test {
finalizedBy jacocoTestReport // report is always generated after tests run
jacocoTestReport {
dependsOn test // tests are required to run before generating the report
Configuring the JaCoCo Plugin
The JaCoCo plugin adds a project extension named jacoco
of type JacocoPluginExtension, which allows configuring defaults for JaCoCo usage in your build.
jacoco {
toolVersion = "0.8.12"
reportsDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('customJacocoReportDir')
Property | Gradle default |
reportsDirectory |
JaCoCo Report configuration
The JacocoReport task can be used to generate code coverage reports in different formats. It implements the standard Gradle type Reporting and exposes a report container of type JacocoReportsContainer.
jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.required = false
csv.required = false
html.outputLocation = layout.buildDirectory.dir('jacocoHtml')

Enforcing code coverage metrics
This feature requires the use of JaCoCo version 0.6.3 or higher. |
The JacocoCoverageVerification task can be used to verify if code coverage metrics are met based on configured rules. Its API exposes the method JacocoCoverageVerification.violationRules(org.gradle.api.Action) which is used as main entry point for configuring rules. Invoking any of those methods returns an instance of JacocoViolationRulesContainer providing extensive configuration options. The build fails if any of the configured rules are not met. JaCoCo only reports the first violated rule.
Code coverage requirements can be specified for a project as a whole, for individual files, and for particular JaCoCo-specific types of coverage, e.g., lines covered or branches covered. The following example describes the syntax.
jacocoTestCoverageVerification {
violationRules {
rule {
limit {
minimum = 0.5
rule {
enabled = false
element = 'CLASS'
includes = ['org.gradle.*']
limit {
counter = 'LINE'
value = 'TOTALCOUNT'
maximum = 0.3
The JacocoCoverageVerification task is not a task dependency of the check
task provided by the Java plugin. There is a good reason for it. The task is currently not incremental as it doesn’t declare any outputs. Any violation of the declared rules would automatically result in a failed build when executing the check
task. This behavior might not be desirable for all users. Future versions of Gradle might change the behavior.
JaCoCo specific task configuration
The JaCoCo plugin adds a JacocoTaskExtension extension to all tasks of type Test. This extension allows the configuration of the JaCoCo specific properties of the test task.
test {
jacoco {
destinationFile = layout.buildDirectory.file('jacoco/jacocoTest.exec').get().asFile
classDumpDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir('jacoco/classpathdumps').get().asFile
Tasks configured for running with the JaCoCo agent delete the destination file for the execution data when the task starts executing. This ensures that no stale coverage data is present in the execution data. |
Default values of the JaCoCo Task extension
test {
jacoco {
enabled = true
destinationFile = layout.buildDirectory.file("jacoco/${name}.exec").get().asFile
includes = []
excludes = []
excludeClassLoaders = []
includeNoLocationClasses = false
sessionId = "<auto-generated value>"
dumpOnExit = true
classDumpDir = null
output = JacocoTaskExtension.Output.FILE
address = "localhost"
port = 6300
jmx = false
While all tasks of type Test are automatically enhanced to provide coverage information when the java
plugin has been applied, any task that implements JavaForkOptions can be enhanced by the JaCoCo plugin. That is, any task that forks Java processes can be used to generate coverage information.
For example you can configure your build to generate code coverage using the application
plugins {
id 'application'
id 'jacoco'
application {
mainClass = 'org.gradle.MyMain'
jacoco {
applyTo run
tasks.register('applicationCodeCoverageReport', JacocoReport) {
executionData run
sourceSets sourceSets.main
. └── build ├── jacoco │ └── run.exec └── reports └── jacoco └── applicationCodeCoverageReport └── html └── index.html
For projects that also apply the Java Plugin, the JaCoCo plugin automatically adds the following tasks:
— JacocoReport-
Generates code coverage report for the test task.
— JacocoCoverageVerification-
Verifies code coverage metrics based on specified rules for the test task.
Dependency management
The JaCoCo plugin adds the following dependency configurations:
Name | Meaning |
The JaCoCo Ant library used for running the |
The JaCoCo agent library used for instrumenting the code under test. |
Outgoing Variants
When a project producing JaCoCo coverage data is applied alongside the JVM Test Suite Plugin, additional outgoing variants will be created. These variants are designed for consumption by the JaCoCo Report Aggregation Plugin.
The attributes will resemble the following. User-configurable attributes are highlighted below the sample.
Variant coverageDataElementsForTest (i)
Binary results containing Jacoco test coverage for all targets in the 'test' Test Suite.
- org.gradle.sample:application:1.0.2 (default capability)
- org.gradle.category = verification
- = test (1)
- org.gradle.verificationtype = jacoco-coverage
- build/jacoco/test.exec (artifactType = binary)
1 | TestSuiteName attribute; value is derived from TestSuite#getName(). |